when NTRO employees are making fake claims about goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan, they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the real domain investor

Though the ntro employees led by j srinivasan, are aware that goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan is only a call girl supplied to them by google, tata for SEX, they continue to dupe companies, countries and people with their fake stories of domain ownership, online work

In the last few months, the domain investor has been focussing on another sex service provider government employee school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, so to cover up their fraud, the ntro employees are making up fake stories that the goan bhandari R&AW employee PROSTITUTE sunaina chodan who does not spend any money on domains, does not do any computer work, owns the domains, including this one and is working online where her sex news is published.

The ntro employees refuse to admit that they are involved in CRIMINAL DEFAMATION of the domain investor, when they make fake claims of domain ownership refusing to acknowledge the real domain investor, spending Rs 4 lakh annually for the last 10 years and making fake claims about the panaji prostitute sunaina the ntro employees have sex with.,
It is an indication of the widespread rot in the indian internet sector, that NTRO employees are CRIMINALLY DEFAMING the domain investor for many years without being questioned

Advertise on internet sector scandals, gossip website

Advertise on a website on the reality of working online, lies, sleaze, slander, gossip, sugar daddies, intelligence and security agencies, sex bribes, money, graft, nepotism, corruption, how NTRO, top indian internet sector officials refuse to recognize women domain investors, paypal account holders and are openly involved in banking fraud since 2010, allegedly bribed by google,tata

factoring companies

Please note that R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees are not associated with the website in any way, as they do not wish to invest any money online and do not wish to do any work online, yet want to make fake claims about the ownership of this website to get credit and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

This is posted as a fraud alert since a large number of companies, countries and people are duped by the lies of google, tata, indian government agencies.Income tax returns filed in 2019 and earlier will legally prove the fact

why is indian government not monitoring haryana fraudster mba hr R&AW employee ruchika kinge involved in paypal, banking fraud

The haryana fraudster mba hr R&AW employee ruchika kinge is working in Xero business services, an american company according to her linked in profile. She is spending her time at her job like other employees, otherwise she will not get paid a monthly salary.
Yet in a FINANCIAL, BANKING fraud of google, tata, the indian, haryana government is falsely claiming that the mba hr xero employee ruchika with no online income, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer she hates, based on the fake references of the ntro employee mhow cheater puneet who also hates the engineer has tortured,robbed her for 10 years

The indian government is wasting crores to monitor the engineer, a government fraud victim for the last 10 years, yet it refuses to monitor the raw/cbi employees like ruchika kinge who falsely claim to own the bank account of the engineer.,

NTRO, security agency FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD on domain investors is bigger than PMC bank fraud, yet government refuses to end the fraud of its employees

The cowardly and dishonest indian mainstream media is covering the PMC bank crisis closely, yet it refuses to cover the NTRO, indian security agency financial fraud which is causing far greater losses to some citizens
NTRO employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan,parmar think that duping companies, people and countries that their sugar babies with no internet connection, income, investment own the domains, websites, paypal, bank account of the engineer they hate is their birthright when actually it is financial fraud far exceeeding the PMC bank fraud

the domain investor is spending Rs 4 lakh annually or more on domains, webhosting for the last 13 years, yet NTRO, indian security agency employees refuse to acknowledge the expenses and falsely claim that goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar supplied to them by google, tata for SEX , their robber, cheater relatives and friends like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, naina chandan, her fraud sons karan, nikhil, asmita patel, ruchika kinge, deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains to pay all these frauds a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor who is broke because of the indian government fraud.

In all other countries, the person who is paying for the domains is acknowledged by the government , and if the security, intelligence agencies do not want a person to own the domains, they pay the market price and purchase the domains, only in india, the indian government continues with its fraud on single women domain investors.

Indian government does not realize that LIAR well paid ntro employee j srinivasan is damaging the reputation of india with his BANKING, DOMAIN FRAUD

SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD as mentally unsound
In one of the biggest cases of abuse of power, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian government at present, the SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD as mentally unsound to cover up his BANKING FRAUD
To get career help and destroy the life of his female btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan is involved in a BANKING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD since 2010, putting his female classmate under surveillance and then falsely claiming that his lazy greedy SUGAR BABIES like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, who are COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING or have no computer at home, are doing the computer work to receive paypal payments,
He then CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD like his btech 1993 ee classmate who is doing computer work for 8-10 hours as mentally unsound to ruin their reputation and also damages the reputation of india with his BANKING, COMPUTER WORK fraud

The indian government does not care for indian citizens, especially older single women, and does not even realize that the wellpaid ntro employee j srinivasan is damaging the reputation of india with his BANKING, DOMAIN FRAUD, since the domain investor, engineer is forced to alert people, companies and countries that the indian government is CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her, involved in a FINANCIAL FRAUD

Indian security agencies involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD on vulnerable domain investors in India

Security agencies abusing their powers to make fake claims of domain ownership in FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD to get bribe givers, relatives raw/cbi salaries without investing any money while criminally defaming the real domain investor with single women who are not call girls worst affected
bribing LIAR FRAUD indian security agencies to make fake claims about domain ownership is a very lucrative racket since those who FAKE DOMAIN OWNERSHIP get raw/cbi salaries without spending any money on domain renewals at the expense of the real domain investor who is criminally defamed by the fraud indian government agencies who think that their fraud will not be exposed
To cover up their FINANCIAL FRAUD which has continued since 2010, the indian security agencies are abusing their discretionary powers to falsely label the domain investor as a security threat without any proof at all.

Google, tata indian servants, call girls,HOUSEWIVES BANKING FRAUD completes 9 years

The indian government is involved in one of the greatest WORK AT HOME, PAYPAL FRAUDS in the world since 2010, allegedly bribed by google, tata. In the indian servant, HOUSEWIVES BANKING FRAUD of LIAR google, tata, indian intelligence and security agencies, lazy greedy unskilled maidservants, call girls and housewives who do not spend any time doing any computer work, falsely claim to be providing services, selling products to customers outside India and some of them are also getting raw/cbi salaries for making fake claims

Google, tata are extremely vicious in CRIMINALLY DEFAMING, CHEATING AND EXPLOITING hardworking indian paypal account holders to destroy their reputation, socially and professionally to get their call girl, robber, cheater associates raw/cbi jobs at the expense of the paypal account holder. Hence the section 420 FRAUD LIAR google, tata employees are involved in a massive BANKING FRAUD making fake claims about the ownership of the bank, paypal account of a the real paypal account holder, falsely giving lazy greedy cheater housewives, maidservants and call girls, credit and a monthly government/raw/cbi salary in many cases
Since there are only a limited number of goan call girls like sunaina, siddhi available for google, tata pimps, google, tata are now involved in a massive indian maidservants, HOUSEWIVES BANKING FRAUD, especially in panaji, goa
The pathological LIAR FRAUD google,tata employes are duping people, companies and countries, that various lazy greedy housewives, usually with children, who are not doing any computer work at all, are doing work for customers outside india, and own the paypal account of a single woman engineer, to get them powers, raw/cbi jobs while criminally defaming the engineer.
If anyone will check these lazy greedy fraud housewives promoted by fraud companies google, tata, they will find that the housewives like indore robber veena are not using computers, do not have any paypal account or bank account linked
yet in an indication of the complete lack of honesty of indian intelligence and security agencies, especially in goa they are all believing the complete LIES of the section 420 fraud liar google, tata employees and defaming the engineer who is actually spending her time and money, while pampering and rewarding all the lazy greedy housewives, call girls, maidservants and frauds promoted by the cheater companies google, tata

this is posted as a fraud alert, so that more people, companies and countries are not duped by the complete lies of the google, tata employees who are the greatest online fraudsters in the world, easily beating the nigerian fraudsters dt

CBI should be honest that its employee naina chandan is a school dropout housewife

澳洲pte代考 线上托福 线上考试 线上考试作弊 线上雅思 雅思代考 雅思代考被抓 雅思代考靠谱吗 雅思作弊被抓 雅思替考 雅思枪手 雅思线上考试 代考英文 思培作弊 温哥华思培代考 12.3更新: act代考 ap代考 ap作弊 ap考试代考 gmat online作弊 gmat代考被抓 雅思线上考试作弊 gre proctoru代考 gre代考一亩三分地 proctor代考 托福家庭版作弊 托福家考作弊 托福线上考试 托福网考作弊
One of the greatest CBI frauds is how it is duping people, companies and countries that its kolhapur/panaji school dropout employee sindhi housewife naina premchandani, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16, is an experienced engineer and domain investor, owning the domains of a single woman engineer who cbi has criminally defamed for more than 9 years without any legally valid proof
In reality the powerful ntro employees like parmar, puneet, parekh, nikhil sha abused their powers and made fake claims about the school dropout naina chandan, her lazy fraud sons karan, nikhil, giving her FAKE REFERENCES, because she is their preferred SEX SERVICE provider and they all hate the single woman engineer, want to destroy her life
CBI should be aware that no engineering college would admit their school dropout sex service provider employee naina chandan, so they should stop making fake claims about their school dropout employee
Additionally the cbi sex queen naina chandan is least interested in paying the market price and purchasing any domain, though she has plenty of money for purchasing other items including a car costing more than Rs 10 lakh

Hence it is time that cbi officially declares that its employee naina chandan is a school dropout OFFERING SEX SERVICES to ntro employees, and stops criminally defaming the engineer and domain investor,falsely claiming that their school dropout employees has the engineers resume, savings.

News For This Month: Landscaping

The Pros of Landscaping Using a Sod Lawn

The activity that alters the visible geographies of a land area is landscaping. Landscaping aims at making a piece of land look more attractive. People love to have their land look more presentable and appealing. To make that possible people invest in different ways. There are different ways to make the land look attractive. Some ways that are used to landscape are planting flowers, having a sod lawn and adding ornamental structures. Already planted grass is a sod. It is also called the turf grass. Sod is grass and soil beneath it that is usually held together at its roots. There are several benefits that are associated with the use of sod for landscaping. By reading more here, one will acquire more info regarding this pros.

The benefit of using a sod for a landscaping is that it is instant. When installed the sod transforms a bare patch of land into a lawn that is grass covered. An individual acquire instant satisfaction from having a yard green. The sod is a quick way to have grass on a lawn when one does not have the patients to wait for seed grass to grow. They are also more attractive and appealing. The sod offers a quick fix to a landscaping need. A benefit of using the sod to landscape is that it needs less irrigation. The sod requires less maintenance once it is installed. The sod only requires frequent irrigation to have it moist. Until when the sod becomes established firmly in the area, the sod requires to be moist. The seed grass area dries out faster compared to the sod. Having not to irrigate the sod frequently means that water is saved. It also means that the workload for tending to the new grass is reduced.

The use of a sod lawn can be done quicker than a seed grass lawn. The grass on the sod is grown meaning that it is ready for use, when installation is done. Having a growth head start makes the sod ready for use. Usually the roots of the sod are established within weeks. It is better used after the roots develop but it is ready for use quicker compared to the seeded lawn. This is an advantage because the landscaping effect is achieved at a faster rate. The other benefit of using a sod lawn for landscaping is that it leads to soil protection. The sod is an established grass that makes a thick mat. The thick mat that the sod forms completely covers the soil. The soil is kept in place by the sod lawn. The sod lawn covers the soil and that means that people carry less mad and dirt around the area.

Why not learn more about Lawns?

What Research About Sprinklers Can Teach You

Getting Down To Basics with Roofing

Guidelines for Choosing a Roofing Contractor in Leesburg

If you have a roofing project, it is crucial to ensure that you .use the best roofing contractor in the market. Choosing the right roofing contractor in Leesburg can however be challenging. This is because the number of contractors offering roofing services in Leesburg has been rising in recent years. Thus, it is crucial to compare the competency of various roofing contractors in Leesburg before you make your choice. This will help you to tell the difference between the professional roofing contractors and the unprofessional ones. Seeking advice from an expert in the roofing industry is also a good way to ensure that you make the right choice. Putting factors like the expertise of the roofing contractor into consideration will also help you to make the right decision. It is vital to commit all your energy to the selection process. In this post, we will address the guidelines for selecting a professional roofing contractor in Leesburg.

You should start your selection process by putting the roofing contractor’s expertise into consideration. Selecting a roofing contractor that is highly qualified is very critical. This is because highly skilled roofing contractors offer high-quality roofing services. You should also employ the services of the most experienced roofing contractor in Leesburg. A good way to determine the roofing contractor’s experience is to assess their portfolios when making your decision. You can also learn about the experience of the chosen roofing contractor by consulting with people that have used the roofing services of the contractor before. It is crucial to hire a roofing contractor that has been in operation for a reasonable period.

Secondly, consider your budget. It is crucial to consider the pricing of various roofing contractors available in Leesburg before you make your decision. This will help you to land a roofing contractor that is with a pricing structure that is within your financial capabilities. The quality of roofing services provided by the chosen contractor should, however, be your priority when making your choice.

The reputation of the chosen roofing contractor is the last thing to consider. It is critical to hire the most reliable roofing contractor in Leesburg. A good way to determine the reliability of a particular roofing contractor is to check their testimonials when making your selection. This will give you an idea of the quality of roofing services provided by a certain contractor. Ensure that your choice of a roofing contractor is based in the experiences of people that have used the roofing services of the selected contractor. Make sure that you pick the most rated roofing contractor in Leesburg.

Lessons Learned About Businesses