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Advertise on a website on the reality of working online, lies, sleaze, slander, gossip, sugar daddies, intelligence and security agencies, sex bribes, money, graft, nepotism, corruption, how NTRO, top indian internet sector officials refuse to recognize women domain investors, paypal account holders and are openly involved in banking fraud since 2010, allegedly bribed by google,tata

factoring companies

Please note that R&AW/CBI/indian intelligence employees are not associated with the website in any way, as they do not wish to invest any money online and do not wish to do any work online, yet want to make fake claims about the ownership of this website to get credit and a monthly indian government salary at the expense of the real domain investor.

This is posted as a fraud alert since a large number of companies, countries and people are duped by the lies of google, tata, indian government agencies.Income tax returns filed in 2019 and earlier will legally prove the fact

why is indian government not monitoring haryana fraudster mba hr R&AW employee ruchika kinge involved in paypal, banking fraud

The haryana fraudster mba hr R&AW employee ruchika kinge is working in Xero business services, an american company according to her linked in profile. She is spending her time at her job like other employees, otherwise she will not get paid a monthly salary.
Yet in a FINANCIAL, BANKING fraud of google, tata, the indian, haryana government is falsely claiming that the mba hr xero employee ruchika with no online income, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer she hates, based on the fake references of the ntro employee mhow cheater puneet who also hates the engineer has tortured,robbed her for 10 years

The indian government is wasting crores to monitor the engineer, a government fraud victim for the last 10 years, yet it refuses to monitor the raw/cbi employees like ruchika kinge who falsely claim to own the bank account of the engineer.,

NTRO, security agency FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD on domain investors is bigger than PMC bank fraud, yet government refuses to end the fraud of its employees

The cowardly and dishonest indian mainstream media is covering the PMC bank crisis closely, yet it refuses to cover the NTRO, indian security agency financial fraud which is causing far greater losses to some citizens
NTRO employees like mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan,parmar think that duping companies, people and countries that their sugar babies with no internet connection, income, investment own the domains, websites, paypal, bank account of the engineer they hate is their birthright when actually it is financial fraud far exceeeding the PMC bank fraud

the domain investor is spending Rs 4 lakh annually or more on domains, webhosting for the last 13 years, yet NTRO, indian security agency employees refuse to acknowledge the expenses and falsely claim that goan call girls sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar supplied to them by google, tata for SEX , their robber, cheater relatives and friends like riddhi nayak caro, nayanshree hathwar, naina chandan, her fraud sons karan, nikhil, asmita patel, ruchika kinge, deepika and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, own the domains to pay all these frauds a monthly salary at the expense of the domain investor who is broke because of the indian government fraud.

In all other countries, the person who is paying for the domains is acknowledged by the government , and if the security, intelligence agencies do not want a person to own the domains, they pay the market price and purchase the domains, only in india, the indian government continues with its fraud on single women domain investors.

Indian government does not realize that LIAR well paid ntro employee j srinivasan is damaging the reputation of india with his BANKING, DOMAIN FRAUD

SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD as mentally unsound
In one of the biggest cases of abuse of power, FINANCIAL FRAUD in the indian government at present, the SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD as mentally unsound to cover up his BANKING FRAUD
To get career help and destroy the life of his female btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES, SOCIOPATH LIAR ntro employee j srinivasan is involved in a BANKING, COMPUTER WORK FRAUD since 2010, putting his female classmate under surveillance and then falsely claiming that his lazy greedy SUGAR BABIES like nayanshree hathwar, sunaina chodan, who are COOKING, HOUSEKEEPING or have no computer at home, are doing the computer work to receive paypal payments,
He then CRIMINALLY DEFAMES victims of his BANKING FRAUD like his btech 1993 ee classmate who is doing computer work for 8-10 hours as mentally unsound to ruin their reputation and also damages the reputation of india with his BANKING, COMPUTER WORK fraud

The indian government does not care for indian citizens, especially older single women, and does not even realize that the wellpaid ntro employee j srinivasan is damaging the reputation of india with his BANKING, DOMAIN FRAUD, since the domain investor, engineer is forced to alert people, companies and countries that the indian government is CRIMINALLY DEFAMING her, involved in a FINANCIAL FRAUD

Indian security agencies involved in massive FINANCIAL FRAUD on vulnerable domain investors in India

Security agencies abusing their powers to make fake claims of domain ownership in FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD to get bribe givers, relatives raw/cbi salaries without investing any money while criminally defaming the real domain investor with single women who are not call girls worst affected
bribing LIAR FRAUD indian security agencies to make fake claims about domain ownership is a very lucrative racket since those who FAKE DOMAIN OWNERSHIP get raw/cbi salaries without spending any money on domain renewals at the expense of the real domain investor who is criminally defamed by the fraud indian government agencies who think that their fraud will not be exposed
To cover up their FINANCIAL FRAUD which has continued since 2010, the indian security agencies are abusing their discretionary powers to falsely label the domain investor as a security threat without any proof at all.

CBI pays monthly salary to women providing sex services to top NTRO employees and their children also

Providing sex services to top NTRO employees is one of the most lucrative jobs in India at present, because in addition to giving a cbi job to the sex service provider with a fake resume, the indian government is also paying a monthly salary to all the children of the sex service provider, after making fake claims about their work, skills in one of the great sex, bribery rackets, banking frauds.

CBI is making fake claims about its google, tata sponsored sex service provider employee gujju school dropout housewife naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh,her lazy fraud sons nikhhil,karan only because she is the top gujju SEX service provider . The powerful fraud gujju ntro employes nikhil sha, parekh, parmar are completely addicted to naina’s sex services and shamelessly making fake claims about the school dropoiut these gujju fraudsters ntro employees are df having sex with

Powerful fraud ntro employee nikhil sha is making fake claims about the gujju school dropout naina chandan he has sex with, has got her and her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, cbi jobs falsely claiming that they are online experts, domain investors, so that naina chandan can have regular sex with him.

Nikhil sha is aware that his darling naina chandan can only offer sex services, she cannot offer any other kind of service since she is a school dropout , yet he is more addicted to sex than any sex addict so he falsely claims that his sex service provider offers online services to customers outside india so that the indian taxpayer pays for the sex services which naina chandan providers

Bank details will legally proved nikhil sha is a liar and fraud making complete fake claims about his favorite sex service provider naina chandan ,yet she continues to get a monthly cbi salary for having sex with nikhil sha , since the indian government continues to ignore the sex, bribery racket, banking fraud of top ntro employees

Top goan government offiicals involved in major SEX racket since 2010 making fake claims about goan bhandari panaji prostitute sunaina chodan

It can be legally proved that slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan is only a 2013 bsc from goa university who was supplied by google, tata to top ntro employees and other indian government employees for sex so that they would abuse their powers and make fake allegations without any proof against a single woman engineer, google competitor, to destroy her reputation and steal her identity.

The top mainly brahmin ntro employees like j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet were so infatuated by the panaji prostitute sunaina, that they stole the identity of their hardworkingd honest btech 1993 ee classmate for the google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, and duped countries, companies and people that the lazy greedy goan bhandari sex worker was their btech 1993 ee classmate though ntro;’s favorite panaji SEX worker sunaina chodan was not born in 1989 to answer JEE and get a btech 1993 ee degree
The goan bhandari leaders and officials led by pritesh chodankar,naik, are so devoid of honesty, humanity and integrity that just because SEX addict brahmin ntro employees like j srinivasan are giving fake references to goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostite sunaina chodan, 2013 bsc from goa university, these goan officials are repeating the lies of sex addict BRAHMIN LIAR FRAUD ntro employees to pamper and reward the google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan 2013 bsc from goa university , denying the bhandari single woman engineer with a btech 1993 ee degree the income and opportunities she deserved
this is posted to warn people, companies and countries of the fraud of the goan bhandari officials and leaders, goan government who are making fake claims about slim goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostite sunaina chodan,only a 2013 bsc from goa university, duping people, companies and countries that the prostitute is an experienced engineer, online expert, domain investor when sunaina is only a sex worker, providing sex services with the help of google, tata pimps

Allegedly bribed by google, tata,. the indian and goan government is openly involved in a massive SEX racket, duping companies, countries and people, that a slim goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan,a panaji prostitute supplied by google, tata to NTRO, government employees for regular SEX, is an experienced engineer, domain investor and paypal account holder

In reality google, tata supplied goan bhandari R&AW employee panaji prostitute sunaina chodan has never opened a paypal account in her life, never sold any product or service to customers outside india, and never got any payment from customers outside india, yet top ntro, raw, cbi, security agency employees addicted to sex with sunaina, are involved in a massive sex racket, abusing their powers to dupe people, companies and countries that the panaji sex worker R&AW employee, owns the paypal, bank account of a single woman engineer, google competitor and domain investor

the tata, google pimps who have got the panaji prostitute sunaina chodan, a R&AW job, are also extremely aggressive in promoting the panaji sex worker as an online expert, though these fraud companies are aware of the fact that the panaji prostitute is not doing any computer work at ALL ONLY HAVING SEX with government employees

NTRO, j srinivasan should inform all companies and countries that goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl slim sunaina chodan is only a PROSTITUTE

For 9 years since 2010, the powerful fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet, parmar,patel,vijay put a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor under surveillance, falsely claiming that they were worried about her honesty

Despite wasting crores of indian taxpayer money, the ntro employees have not found any evidence, however they have duped a large number of companies, countries and people that goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl slim sunaina chodan and other raw/cbi employees have the single woman engineer’s resume, savings , skills, experience, since the cruel fraud arrogant ntro employees were overconfident that they could force the engineer to agree to identity theft.

In 2019, the ntro employees cannot find any evidence, and they are also not interested in contacting the engineer whose identity they have stolen to get their girlfriends raw/cbi jobs and to end their fraud, the engineer is wasting a lot of her time and money. The ntro employees are violating the Vienna convention which guarantees equal rights and prevention of human rights abuses, when they defame the engineer and falsely claim that various inexperienced lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees have her resume, savings

The shameles fraud brahmin liar j srinivasan also cannot provide any proof like bank details that his lazy greedy cheater girlfriend nayanshree hathwar, bengaluru brahmin housewife only looking after her house and family , is doing work online, or on the computer, yet being a shameless liar and cheater , j srinivasan continues to dupe people with his fake claims like the mhow cheater puneet.

hence, in 2019, ntro , j srinivasan and others should inform all the companies, countries and people that goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl slim sunaina chodan is only a PROSTITUTE, and other raw/cbi employees are also not having a btech 1993 ee degree.

HDFC mutual fund should be aware that google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees lead unbalanced lives, have zero online income and investment

Like the Google,tata sponsored goan bhandari R&AW employee call girl sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak who looks like actress kangana ranaut, gujju housewife school dropout naina who looks like actress sneha wagh Google,tata sponsored Indore document ROBBER R&AW bespectacled housewife veena has zero online income she is only a ROBBER, while others are call girls, sex service providers, housewives and extortionists they have no connection with the indian internet sector at all, except getting fake referencees of domain ownership, online expertise, from the shameless fraud LIAR ntro employees led by mhow cheater puneet, j srinivasan, parmar, parekh, patel, vijay

To cover up their banking, financial fraud on the domain investor, engineer since 2010, the fraud companies google, tata are trying duping mutual funds that the 10 lazy greedy fraud google, tata sponsored call girl, cheater housewife and other fraud raw/cbi employees lead balanced lives managing their families, homes and misleading that these lazy greedy frauds, with no online income, no online investment are running an online business, which is actually owned by the google competitor.
Google, tata, ntro employees who are operating the great sex, bribery racket, banking fraud in India since 2010, are extremely vicious in defaming the real domain investor, engineer and google competitor and want to steal her savings in mutual funds for their sex worker, fraud girlfriends, who they have already got raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer , domain investor,

So on 26 January,2019, HDFC mutual fund is spamming the domain investor with the dividend for HDFC balanced advantage fund smses, indicating that fraud companies google, tata are trying very hard to steal the savings of the google competitor, engineer in mutual funds for the google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees faking a btech 1993 ee degree.

Almost all the investments in the mutual funds were made from the savings of the engineer after she held a job, and the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees have never worked as engineers, held any engineering job. The domain investor also found a principal mutual fund statement on her bed with her investment of 2003. The mutual funds have used the savings of the engineer for nearly twenty years, if they do not want a particular investor they should refuse the investment initially itself,there are other options for investing money.

It clearly indicates how ruthless the ntro employees are in mentally torturing the domain investor, that they are threatening her that they will only give the principal, when all other investors are getting the officially declared returns, why is the domain investor, engineer different from other indian private citizens and investors, can ntro, google, tata explain in an open debate

Cruel fraud mhow cheater ntro employee puneet denied information to destroy the life of his female engineering classmate who he hated

One of the greatest frauds of the indian and state government is their blind faith in the Cruel fraud mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, who faked his relationship with, denied information to his female btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated to destroy her life and steal everything from her, to get all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.

It can be legally proved that the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet has never communicated directly with the engineer, in fact he systematically denied all information, and ensured that everyone else also denied information, isolating her completely, causing great mental stress, forcing her to make mistakes. For 9 years, he made it impossible to get direct customers, falsely claiming to help her , having his associates steal all her leads and orders. In reality the reason for stealing the orders, was to cause great financial losses, isolate her completely, and his associates like riddhi siddhi could make a lot of quick money selling the stolen leads and orders.

Finally in September october 2018, it appears that someone decided to end the fraud, and allowed the domain investor, engineer to get some direct customers. Chatting with the customers, it is clear that the mhow cheater puneet has systematically stolen orders, denied information. The customers are strangers, they are not faking help, yet they are providing far more information, than the mhow cheater puneet and other ntro employees, who refused to send a single line in communication in the last 9 years

When customers can provide information about themselves and the systems, why are state and central government blindly believing liar ntro employees who have systematically and intentionally denied information to the harmless single woman engineer, only to cause losses, make mistakes, when they falsely claim to know the engineer very well to steal her identity, savings, correspondence and memory without a legally valid reason.

For example, a customer’s paypal account was disabled, and he was honest about the reason,so the engineer could take action accordingly.On the other hand, the ntro employees have refused to tell the reason why they are putting the engineer under surveillance for more than 9 years, creating an atmosphere of fear. If the ntro employees were unable to contact the engineer, they could have easily told the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees impersonating the engineer, to tell the engineer the reason for the surveillance, so that the matter could get resolved

If the powerful fraud ntro employees consider the engineer very low status, they should not interfere in her life, stop stealing her correspondence, misusing her name faking help , and use the real resume, savings, skills, of their lazy greedy sex worker, cheater housewife , school dropout, document robber and other fraud girlfriends who they have already got raw/cbi jobs . It appears that some customer has complained that the gujju fraudsters are stealing orders , so a message was sent, that they will no longer steal existing customers, future orders.