One of the greatest frauds of the indian and state government is their blind faith in the Cruel fraud mhow cheater ntro employee puneet, who faked his relationship with, denied information to his female btech 1993 ee classmate who he hated to destroy her life and steal everything from her, to get all his lazy greedy fraud girlfriends raw/cbi jobs with the stolen identity of the engineer.
It can be legally proved that the mhow cheater ntro employee puneet has never communicated directly with the engineer, in fact he systematically denied all information, and ensured that everyone else also denied information, isolating her completely, causing great mental stress, forcing her to make mistakes. For 9 years, he made it impossible to get direct customers, falsely claiming to help her , having his associates steal all her leads and orders. In reality the reason for stealing the orders, was to cause great financial losses, isolate her completely, and his associates like riddhi siddhi could make a lot of quick money selling the stolen leads and orders.
Finally in September october 2018, it appears that someone decided to end the fraud, and allowed the domain investor, engineer to get some direct customers. Chatting with the customers, it is clear that the mhow cheater puneet has systematically stolen orders, denied information. The customers are strangers, they are not faking help, yet they are providing far more information, than the mhow cheater puneet and other ntro employees, who refused to send a single line in communication in the last 9 years
When customers can provide information about themselves and the systems, why are state and central government blindly believing liar ntro employees who have systematically and intentionally denied information to the harmless single woman engineer, only to cause losses, make mistakes, when they falsely claim to know the engineer very well to steal her identity, savings, correspondence and memory without a legally valid reason.
For example, a customer’s paypal account was disabled, and he was honest about the reason,so the engineer could take action accordingly.On the other hand, the ntro employees have refused to tell the reason why they are putting the engineer under surveillance for more than 9 years, creating an atmosphere of fear. If the ntro employees were unable to contact the engineer, they could have easily told the 10 google, tata sponsored fraud raw/cbi employees impersonating the engineer, to tell the engineer the reason for the surveillance, so that the matter could get resolved
If the powerful fraud ntro employees consider the engineer very low status, they should not interfere in her life, stop stealing her correspondence, misusing her name faking help , and use the real resume, savings, skills, of their lazy greedy sex worker, cheater housewife , school dropout, document robber and other fraud girlfriends who they have already got raw/cbi jobs . It appears that some customer has complained that the gujju fraudsters are stealing orders , so a message was sent, that they will no longer steal existing customers, future orders.