bengaluru brahmin cheater raw employee housewife nayanshree,educational, financial, online fraud reason why 11% fewer women voted for the ruling party in karnataka

While the government agencies may dismiss the content of the website network as spam, the websites feature the valid complaints of indian citizens who are cheated, exploited, robbed by greedy government employees abusing their powers with the government refusing to take action against the well paid government employees and this can affect the election results in the state.
For example though raw/cbi/government employees like bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree do not pay for this website and other websites in the network, they falsely claim to own this and other websites, get a government salary and criminally defame the real domain investor, a private citizen, single woman engineer
The real domain investor is from north karnataka, bombay karnataka and usually the home state ensures that professionals, investors from the state are not cheated and exploited,
Only in case of the domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, the karnataka officials/leaders have kept quiet when the liar udupi officials/leaders are falsely claiming that bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm from bhandarkars college of arts & science, kundapura, udupi, wife of cheater tata power employee guruprasad, has the resume, savings, bank account, of the goa 1989 jee topper to get bengaluru/udupi’s top cheater housewife nayanshree, a monthly raw salary at the expense of the single woman engineer since 2013
Since bengaluru/udupi’s top cheater housewife nayanshree is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does no writing work at all, yet gets a monthly government salary, due to cheater udupi officials/leaders she can afford to lead a good lifestyle, and donate generously to politicians. In contrast due to the karnataka government financial, online fraud, government SLAVERY, the real domain investor is making very less money, less than Rs 40000 annually , because raw/cbi are falsely claiming to own that their lazy greedy employees who do no computer work, own the paypal, bank account, domains of a private citizen
In the last 5-6 years, despite complaining the government refuses to end its fraud on the single woman engineer, and the 2023 election results in karnataka show that a large number of women feel that they are being cheated , were not happy with the ruling party since 11% more women voted against the ruling party who has denied citizens the right to justice


Greedy shivalli brahmins extremely aggresssive, shameless in looting goa 1989 jee topper to get monthly raw salary for their lazy greedy relative nayanshree

Engineers with a good JEE rank usually get a good salary especially if they are working hard, only the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer is making very less money because the indian, karnataka government has allowed the Greedy shivalli brahmins and 4 other SHAMELESS LIAR states to extremely aggresssive, shameless in looting goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer to get monthly raw salary for their lazy greedy relative nayanshree and other lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees FAKING their resume, savings, bank account, domain ownership
Usually the officials/leaders from the state help investors, professionals from the state, in karnataka the mainly shivalli brahmin officials are only interested in promoting their lazy greedy relative like bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree and have done deals with greedy goan, gujju,sindhi, haryana, indori officials, government employees from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay who are together criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper since 2010 to ruin her reputation so that they can CHEAT, EXPLOIT, ROB HER for the rest of her life without being questioned at all
In a massive government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud allegedly masterminded by the shameless GREEDY LIAR indian tech and internet companies, allegedly led by google,tata, infosys, cognizant, taking advantage of the fact that there is no one to help or defend the goa 1989 jee topper, 5 greedy liar states have been encouraged to CRIMINALLY DEFAME the goa 1989 jee topper , single woman making completely fake allegations of cheating, black money and security threat without any kind of legally valid proof at all to commit human rights abuses, deny her the income and opportunities which she deserved
The single woman engineer is a harmless private citizen who is mainly at home, and is making very less money after being CRIMINALLY DEFAMED for more than 13 years without any kind of legally valid proof.
Yet showing how ruthless indian tech and internet companies, states like goa, haryana, gujarat, madhya pradesh, karnataka are in looting small online business owners, they are falsely labelling her a security threat without any kind of legally valid proof, for 13 years and then committing banking fraud, government SLAVERY, falsely claiming that her bank account, domains belong to the lazy greedy fraud relatives, friends of top government employees to get them monthly government salaries, when these cheater government employees and their associates do not pay any domain expenses, especially domain renewal fees and do not do any computer work at all.

The karnataka government is aware that bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshreee, wife of fraud tata power employee guruprasad is only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband, she does not do any computer work, does not have any online income and does not invest money in domains, yet just because her cheater relatives hathwar, kodancha, working in security agencies are running an extortion racket since 2010, on the goa 1989 jee topper, R&AW/indian government is making fake claims about bengaluru cheater nayanshree, 2005 bbm to pay her a monthly salary at the expense of the hardworking goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, who is making a great loss due to the karnataka government slavery since 2013.

Mailboxpark notification are being robbed by the greedy shivalli brahmins who do not have the honesty to legally purchase the domains since 2010, yet falsely claim to own them to get their cheater relative nayanshree, a monthly government salary at the expense of the non-goan bhandari goa 1989 jee topper in a case of financial fraud which the government refuses to end.

Indian government fails to explain why 5 CHEATER states did not label the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat when she was 17

In one of the greatest extortion rackets in india, 5 CHEATER states, goa, haryana, madhya pradesh, gujarat, karnataka are falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer , harmless private citizen, a security threat without any proof at all since 2010, to justify the resume robbery, human rights abuses, financial fraud on the harmless single woman engineer, which is then used to get lucrative no work, no investment raw/cbi jobs for lazy greedy housewives, call girls and other frauds from the state.
Yet showing that the 5 states are clearly running an extortion racket only for RESUME ROBBERY, they fail to explain why the the goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer, a security threat when she was 17 when she first came to mumbai for studies, when she was 21, or even when she was 29 when she left her job . The domain investor, engineer has largely lived and worked in the same area of mumbai for more than 20 years without being labelled a security threat till 2010, She has not visited most of the states anytime or at least not in the last 10-20 years, and she lived in goa, only because she invested a large amount in property there.

Only after the engineer starting making more money in 2010, she was labelled a security threat, and though in 2023 she is making far less more than what she was making in 1993 due to government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on her, the 5 greedy CHEATER states continue to hysterically make fake allegations to run india’s greatest extortion racket, causing great financial losses to the single woman, adversely affecting her lifestyle

When haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge refused to reply since 2012, why is R&AW, indian government falsely giving her credit, monthly salary

One of the reasons why the domain investor is complaining is because of R&AW,indian government’s flawed policy of falsely associating haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge who has refused to reply to the domain investor since 2012, credit and monthly government salary for all the income, domain investment of the single woman engineer who haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge, her associates like arya, sumeet, verma,puneet HATE, CRIMINALLY DEFAME
After haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge’s associates like arya, sumeet, verma,puneet working in government agencies stole the retirement savings of the single woman engineer they HATE in 2012, haryana cheater ruchita has refused to reply to the single woman who she impersonated
yet in a clear case of EXPLOITATION, FINANCIAL FRAUD haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge refuses to legally purchase the domains from the single woman engineer, yet being a very SHAMELESS, GREEDY FRAUD like other raw/cbi employees continues to falsely claim to own the domains, bank account of the single woman engineer she HATES and gets a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman
The engineer is trying very hard to sell her .in and .com domains, yet though haryana’s top fraud raw employee ruchita kinge has plenty of money like greedy gujju stock trader amita patel and other raw/cbi employees to lead a very lavish lifestyle, they refuse to legally purchase the domains, instead spreading 100% fake rumors that the domains belong to government employees especially from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay, when the GREEDY LIAR government employees are aware that no one is helping the domain investor in any way to pay the domain renewal fees

Bengaluru’s top brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree’s BANKING, ONLINE FRAUD, adversely affecting startups

Bengaluru’s top brahmin cheater housewife raw employee nayanshree, 2005 BBM is only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband tata power employee guruprasad, she does not do any writing work at all.
Yet in a case of indian, karnataka government , RAW SLAVERY which is widely discussed on reddit, quora, raw is closely monitoring a hardworking single woman bhandari engineer who is spending her time doing writing work and falsely claiming that its favorite fraud housewife nayanshree, who is only COOKING, CLEANING , is doing the writing work to pay the bengaluru brahmin cheater nayanshree, a monthly government salary since 2013
While initially raw was able to convince everyone with fake stories about its housewife,call girl and other fraud employees, after 7-8 years it was obvious to anyone visiting the websites that they were not owned by government employees and the content was also not written by the well paid government employees since their perspective will be very different from that of a government SLAVERY victim who is ruthlessly CHEATED, EXPLOITED, ROBBED
yet showing the lack of honesty and humanity in indian government agencies, for the last 13 years, they have been extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING a hardworking single woman, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she spends online, forcing her to complain loudly to prevent further losses.Even maidservants are paid for the work they do at home, only the indian internet sector, refuses to pay online investors for the money and time they spend, instead making fake stories about call girls, housewives and other frauds
While the indian and state government continue to ignore the complaints of the harmless investor denied her fundamental rights, venture capitalists and other investors, planning to invest in india would like more honest information on the business conditions in india so they can take a decision accordingly. The indian government decision of falsely claiming that housewives, call girls, cheater students and other frauds who do no computer work,do not invest money in domains, are online experts, domain investors shows the mindset of the government officials, that they do not care for investors
The mainstream media has reported that indian startups are finding it difficult to raise funds, since investors from outside india are delaying their investment. So while the powerful raw employees may think that they are very smart in continuing with their government SLAVERY, financial fraud, they do not realize that people worldwide are reading the complaints of the raw/cbi slavery, financial fraud victim and some are taking decisions accordingly.

madhya pradesh,4 other SHAMELESS GREEDY cheater indian states run a massive FAKE allegations,fake rumors racket to get cheater housewives monthly government salaries

Though the indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata, infosys, cognizant and others are making millions of dollars in profits they show that they are the greatest FRAUD & LIARS running the biggest government SLAVERY racket, financial fraud on a single woman engineer domain investor to get monthly government salaries for goan call girls, cheater housewives and other frauds from madhya pradesh,4 other SHAMELESS GREEDY cheater indian states goa, karnataka, haryana, gujarat which is making fake stories about greedy gujju stock trader amita patel
To justify their financial fraud these 5 GREEDY LIAR indian states run a massive FAKE allegations,fake rumors racket to get cheater housewives and others monthly government salaries
Though these cheater states cannot provide any proof, they are making fake allegations of black money, security threat and cheating, to justify the resume robbery, cybercrime, financial fraud and human rights abuses since 2010
Additionally to cover up their financial fraud, though cheater states are aware that government employees have not helped the single woman engineer in any way professionally, they are falsely claiming that she is a proxy for government employees, and all her domains, savings, bank account, assets belong to government employees especially those from the btech 1993 ee class of iit bombay who HATE her, and have never helped her in any way at all.
The single woman engineer is an experienced professional, who held a job for nearly 8 years in companies, and she also worked very hard for her money afterwards, yet in a clear case of government criminal defamation, government employees who HATE her are falsely claiming to own her savings, assets, online business to get their real girlfriends and associates lucrative government jobs at the expense of the single woman
The single woman is just like other professionals who have the right to her income and savings, yet the indian government blindly believes the fake rumors spread to criminally defame the hardworking single woman, waste taxpayer money paying monthly salaries to call girls, housewives and other frauds who have no online income at all.