CHEATER indian tech, internet companies FAIL to explain why their favorite fraud goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw EMPLOYEE sunaina chodan does not falsely claim to own the stock market investment of investors working from home in india she only falsely claims to own domains, and gets a monthly government salary at the expense of the real domain investor
While the indian tech, internet companies are always commenting on the ligbvfestyle of the domain investor, they fail to explain how their massive FINANCIAL FRAUD. government slavery of the single woman engineer is justified, why raw, indian government is falsely claiming that its favorite fraud goan bhandari CALL GIRL raw EMPLOYEE sunaina chodan who does not invest money in domains, is falsely promoted as a domain investor to give the goan CALL GIRL great powers, monthly government salary
The cunning cheater brahmin sugar daddies j srinivasan, puneet are justifying the financial fraud, government SLAVERY falsely claiming that the domain investor is not having an office, so the financial fraud is justified. However these fraud government employees conveniently forget that millions of stock brokers in India are working from home, they are also trying to make a profit, and often they make far more money, compared to the domain investor, spending more time online,
Yet showing that the indian tech, internet companies are masterminding the government SLAVERY, financial fraud on domain investors, no one is harassing the stock market investors for working at home, though they often make huge profits
Showing that the well paid greedy government employees are openly discriminating against domain investors they are mainly targetting these domain investors, they do not have the courage to harass stock market investors working at home, falsely claim that their favorite call girl owns the stock market investment and robbing the correspondence of the real investor
This financial fraud of the indian tech, internet companies clearly shows their lack of corporate ethics, honesty and humanity.