The indian TV channels like Republic TV, India TV, newsnation are carrying the news of the alleged mumbai police extortion,they refuse to cover the extortion racket of Greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro whose panaji extortion racket is far worse than mumbai police, has continued since 2012 .
In Mumbai,the police will leave the professionals largely alone, they do not rob their correspondence, do not demand money from people,if they wish to contact a professional , they are mainly targetting bars, who are making a huge profit, have plenty of cash
In panaji,goa, with the help of her fraud father nayak, husband crooked caro, Greedy goan gsb housewife cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro who looks like actress kangana ranaut, have been running a major EXTORTION,IMPERSONATION RACKET, RESUME ROBBERY, with the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer being the main victim of the panaji EXTORTION RACKET
the the goa 1989 jee topper, a harmless single woman engineer , private citizen is not breaking any law, yet to get inexperienced lazy liar greedy daughter ROBBER riddhi who was too mediocre to answer JEE and get a btech 1993 ee degree legally , a cbi job with monthly salary, ROBBER riddhi’s FRAUD father nayak, husband cheater caro,holding senior positions in security agencies, the ROBBER riddhi’s fraud father nayak, husband cheater caro, have CRIMINALLY DEFAMED the goa 1989 jee topper and are falsely claiming that cbi employee ROBBER riddhi who never answered JEE has the resume, savings of the goa 1989 jee topper to get ROBBER riddhi a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper
The domains are always available for sale, yet panaji cbi employee ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, is a far greater extortionist than sachin vaze, or anyone in mumbai police, so ROBBER riddhi refuses to purchase any domain legally relies on her fraud father nayak, husband crooked caro, fraud indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata TO MAKE FAKE CLAIMS about cbi’s top ROBBER EXTORTIONIST employee riddhi,to get robber riddhi a monthly government salary
9 years is a very long time, if cbi employee ROBBER riddhi was honest she would have purchased the domains legally, yet supported by iit kharagpur’s sundar pichai led google, tata,the greedy goan scammer robber riddhi, refuses to pay any money for domains, only gets a monthly government salary for FAKING ownership of domains, including this one which she does not pay for or control
Additionally robber riddhi is also robbing almost all the correspondence of the goa 1989 jee topper, to isolate her completely, and demanding BRIBES from anyone who wishes to contact the goa 1989 jee topper in a panaji extortion racket. Only the companies who are paying the bribes demanded by robber riddhi are allowed to contact the domain investor,goa 1989 jee topper, others will not be able to contact the goa 1989 jee topper.
At least in Mumbai, citizens do not find their correspondence stolen by the wives and relatives of the well paid powerful government security employees like riddhi,sunaina, siddhi.
When the bars,restaurants and hotels in Mumbai, received extortion threats, they are complaining and the media will cover the extortion, yet when the goa 1989 jee topper,is complaining of resume robbery,extortion in panaji, she is falsely labelled a security threat in a clear indication of the double standards, discrimination of government agencies